Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's Potty Time!

Kaitlyn is trying to use the potty. She sat on it for about 7 minutes and then got up and peed on the floor. Fun Times. Maybe she's not quite ready.


The Bradley's said...

that's awesome. Way to go Kaitlyn

The Chin's said...

I have to laugh, REALLY HARD!, bc Abe does the same thing. He's in his room after trying to pee on the potty, I went to get a new diaper, came back to him standing on his bed in downward facing dog position, looking at his pee pee, peeing on the (thankfully he sleeps on a) potty pad!!! How can you get mad? I just try not to laugh too hard and tell him not to do that! Silly kids! I bet we never did anything like that! Yah, right?!?!