Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kaitlyn's First Dodger Game(This Season)

So, tonight we went to the Dodger Game with my parents and Michelle. It was our first one this season. We have gone each season since she was born. (Side Note: She actually went to Dodger Stadium when she was only 2 months old to have lunch with Tommy Lasorda. Now, how many people can say that.) When I was pregnant with her she would kick me when they played the "charge" on the organ. A true Dodger fan from the beginning. Luckily, Kaitlyn's Dodger cheerleader dress that her Aunt Paula gave her still fits this season. That first pic reminds me why I don't ever wear hats...but it was so sunny today. This was Kaitlyn's first Dodger Dog!! She ate a few bites and was done with it and back to the french fries. What a surprise.

Here we are about the third inning. Kaitlyn was switching seats about every 3 minutes. And then she noticed a bird sitting on the wire above our seats. That entertained her for about 20 minutes. Then the beach ball came around. She really liked that.
And then she made fishy faces with Aunt Michelle.
But this is the best pic of all. SO CUTE! Gotta love her.

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